Greenridge Birders

To get this group going I did a comprehensive walk around the Estate and compiled an initial bird list on 13th of September 2023 – really the first fully sunlit spring day of the season. The birds were out as were the butterflies, and the fragrance of Spring Budlea flowering. Unfortunately in the background there was also the murmer of generators to remind one of the ‘unnatural’ realities…

I compiled an initial bird list of 28 birds in September 2023, which surprised me. This list has already grown and is sure to become even longer over time – check the “Bird Walk Archives” above for the latest sightings:

Initial Bird List – Sept 2023
Speckled Mousebird
White-throated Canary
Cape Bulbul
Cape turtle Eye Dove
Ashy Flycatcher
Yellow Bishop
Southern Fiscal
Northern Gray-headed Sparrow
Pin-tailed Whydah
Speckled Pigeon
European Starling
Southern Boubou
Greater Double-collared Sunbird
Pied Crow
Cape Robin-Chat
Cape Weaver
Egyptian Goose
African Black-headed Oriole
Cape White-eye
Karoo Prinia
Cape Wagtail
Hadada Ibis
Amethyst Sunbird
Common Waxbill
Klaas’s Cuckoo
Southern Double-collared Sunbird
Ring-necked Dove
Dusky-brown Flycatcher

It is my intention to do the walk monthly and we can then compile monthly lists for comparison and additionally add interesting observations during the month. If anyone would like to join in the detaisl are we walk slowly around the estate on a similar route. Takes about 2-3hours. We will compile and geolocate what we see in the bird atlasing app BirdLasser which you can download for free. Bring binoculars, bird books and a refreshment.

If you email me your details (mobile number and email) I will keep us coordinated. Mail me at or phone me at 082 333 9003.