Welcome to THE GREENRIDGE, our meeting point and platform for Brackenridge Estate residents who care for the natural environment that makes our estate so special!
The “Greenridge”-benefits of Brackenridge
Few other estates can offer the unique “Greenridge”-benefit of Brackenridge: a shared, spacious natural environment of some 70 hectares that lie within the estate boundaries and can be explored on various footpaths. Comprised of Garden Route Shale Fynbos and other vegetation types, our Greenridge boasts an astounding biodiversity. To date more than 350 species of indigenous plants and numerous sightings of insects, birds, small buck, tortoises, snakes and bush pig have been recorded across the unbuilt spaces that surround the individually owned properties. All sightings are documented on iNaturalist, a citizen science platform where everyone can contribute and help with the identification and monitoring of species.
Untouched nature is a shared asset
When Brackenridge was established in 2000 it was decided that more than half of its grounds – to be precise: 54% out of a total of 128 hectares – should be left untouched by any development. Today this vast expanse of natural environment is a unique asset that is co-owned by all residents and one that proves ours to be an eco-estate in the true sense of the word.
Become involved
If you too would like to become involved in exploring, preserving and enhancing Brackenridge’s Greenridge, then please take a look at the project groups and activities listed below. You might also want to join our facebook page where “all matters natural” are discussed.
Plant Identification & Monitoring
Our Flora Finders-group uses the iNaturalist-App to record and identify new sightings. Take a look at the Brackenridge iNaturalist-project – we’ve already identified 375 species on our Estate! It’s fun and all you need is your smartphone. For more information, cklick here.
Greenridge Flora Restoration
The control of alien vegetation is an ongoing task. At the same time, Brackenridge’s indigenous flora must be actively restored in defined areas. The Flora Restoration-group focuses on these two tasks and co-operates closely with Brackenridge Management. For more details, see the group’s project page.
Greenridge Fauna Monitoring
One of the wonderful aspects of the environment in which we live is the diversity of fauna on the estate – buck, mongooses, tortoises, frogs, bushpigs and reptiles. The purpose of this group is to log and observe what we have and ultimately protect our biodiversity. – Find out more about our project group’s work here.
Greenridge Birds Survey & Monitoring
Our Greenridge Birders walk the Estate every month to record bird sightings. Bird sightings will be recorded on the bird atlasing app BirdLasser which you can download for free. Bring binoculars, bird books and a refreshment! – For more information and the convenor’s contact details please click here.
On the trails – Path and Plant Labelling
Numerous walking paths and trails allow you to explore Brackenridge’s natural environment. The On the Trails-project plans to name each trail and highlight its particular features by labelling the indigenous plants and trees that can be found along the route. – Find out more about this project group here.
Adopt Your Local Traffic Circle
Some ten traffic circles and traffic islands have been built and serve as attractive landmarks along the various Brackenridge roads. Our Greenridge Circles group promotes residents to “adopt a circle” in their vicinity in order to help maintain and enhance it. – If you would like to find out more and become active here, please contact the group convenor.
The Greenridge initiative is open to all Brackenridge Estate residents. For information on how to join please contact the project group convenors listed on the Projects Page.
The Greenridge website is published and maintained by the Brackenridge Environmental Management
Committee. We are an advisory body and liaise closely with Brackenridge Management and the Board of Trustees.