Bird Walk 25 October 2023

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Last Wednesday, 25th October we took a walking tour through the Estate to have a look at what birds were about.

In particular we were interested in the migrants which had arrived in October. The migrants make the long flight from the northern hemisphere annually to arrive in Summer when force sources become available. Amongst the species that migrate to our area are Greater Striped Swallow, Amur Falcon, White-Rumped Swift, White Stork, Pygmy Kingfisher, Yellow-Billed Kite, Lesser Kestrel, Honey Buzzard, Red-Chested Cuckoo and Black Cuckoo.

Interestingly the Amur Falcon flies between Russia and South Africa and is considered to be one of the longest travelled migrants in the world (28.000km round trip).

We picked up the following migrants during the October walk (photos thanks to Mike Bridgeford)

Red Chested Cuckoo

Lesser Striped Swallow

Diederik Cuckoo

Red Chested Cuckoo
Diederik Cuckoo

We also came across many of the old favourites such as the double collared sunbird which is resident on the Estate:

Double Collared Sunbird

In total we recorded 33 species.

Species primary name
Pin-tailed Whydah
Cape Robin-Chat
Cape Bulbul
Common Starling
Lesser Striped Swallow
Cape Bulbul
Red-eyed Dove
Ring-necked Dove
Speckled Pigeon
Cape Batis
Karoo Prinia
Common Starling
Yellow Bishop
Black Saw-wing
Pied Crow
Cape Weaver
Helmeted Guineafowl
Lesser Striped Swallow
Amethyst Sunbird
Knysna Turaco
White-necked Raven
Burchell’s Coucal
Egyptian Goose
Yellow Canary
Southern Fiscal
Fork-tailed Drongo
Red-chested Cuckoo
Cape White-eye
Common Buzzard
Sombre Greenbul
Horus Swift
Common Waxbill
Southern Grey-headed Sparrow
Speckled Mousebird
Pin-tailed Whydah
Western Cattle Egret
African Sacred Ibis

Finally look out for the Black Sparrowhawk which has been seen flying near the back entrance a couple of times. This is a real special which is retiring and difficult to see. Black Sparrowhawks are rapacious hunters, intensely powerful and are much favoured by falconers able to take birds as big as a guineafowl.

Black Sparrowhawk

Black Sparrowhawk are identified as a black and white bird with long legs and a long tail with rounded wings. It is often seen flying between trees such as in the forest area at the back gate.

Looking forward to our November birding walk on the Greenridge!

Grahame Fogel

Greenridge Birders Group – Convenor

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