Adopt a Traffic Circle: Audit 21 March 2024

The first phase of the Traffic Circle initiative has been completed with Home from Home contracted to cleaning up and pruning the traffic circles. As evidenced from the photographs the traffic circles road signage is now clearly visible, trees and shrubs have been trimmed and dead foliage has been removed. There was quick intervention by concerned residents to save the spotted thick knee breeding pair and their chicks near the park, and to ensure that shrubs were not pruned to a “formal” uniform height, and indigenous trees attracting birdlife were not cut too short.

At this stage the traffic circles are weed free, and indigenous feature rocks have been exposed. Much needed topsoil/compost/woodchips need to be added before groundcovers can be split and new indigenous hardy plants are added before the rainy season.

The next phase is for our newly appointed Environmental Control Officer to assist with meeting with Home from Home contractors to do a formal induction and training regarding ongoing maintenance, thereafter, to do a layout plan of each circle and document the plant species with this interest group. Consideration will be given to selected indigenous colour theme planting in each traffic circle to integrate with plants endemic to our eco-state.

Please follow this link to download a pdf with photographs which details the status quo as at 21 March 2024. Looking forward to your feed-back!

Steve Hartcourt-Cooke