Imprint & Contact


Person responsible for the content of The Greenridge website, including all sub-pages accessed from this domain, both publicly and without prior registration or logged in:

Dr. Jan Christoph Meister
50 Protea Dale

Brackenridge Private Estate

Plettenberg Bay 6600

South Africa


Telephone: +27 79 34 60 414
E-Mail: chris[at]

If you wish to contact other Greenridge team members, please email us at contact[at]

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

The Greenridge website content is made available to you free of charge and you are welcome to link to our site from external websites, provided that you clearly identify the link target as

We do not collect any personal user data on this site; however, please note that our website uses tracking software to collect anonymised access data for statistical purposes, such as the IP address from which access is sought to our pages.


All materials, links and information on this website are thoroughly selected and checked, with the aim to be correct and comprehensive. Nevertheless, there may still be some errors. The Greenridge does not accept any responsibility for the validity and/or correctness of the information provided. Hyperlinked content on external websites is not actively checked or monitored.

The Greenridge can not be held liable for:

  • any damages or disadvantages that may result from using the information provided, whether direct or consequential
  • contents linked or referred to on external websites

All textual content and graphical/photographic material on this website is © The Greenridge 2023 ff. Please consult us before re-using any of these.